Thank you for coming here.

If you click the link below, the file will be downloaded automatically.


::NOTE) Description::

This file is secure because this link comes from my github homepage. To run this program, you should have python3 (over 3.7.x) and PyPI (Python Package Index, pip).

::NOTE) Usage::


1. Once you have downloaded a Maze-Runner zip file, unzip it.

2. Depending on your computer architecture (such as x64 and ARM) and operating system (os) such as Windows, Mac, Linux, and etc, enter the directories. For example, a user who uses a M1 Mac (Apple Silicon) enter the directory: Installer > Mac-Linux > ARM

3. Double click an executable file of 'installer'.
(If you're a Linux user, then open terminal in that directory and execute a command of '~$ ./installer')


1-1.[Windows] Then, open cmd (command prompt) or powershell on the directory of Maze-Runner.
1-2.[Mac-Linux] Then, open terminal on the directory of Maze-Runner.

2. Execute the program with an execution command: "python" on the cmd or powershell (for Windows) or "python3" on the terminal (for Mac and Linux). (Cauiton: exclude the quotation marks when you type the execution command on the terminal.)

Check Provided Functions

1. First, you should run python REPL to watch the supported functions. To do this, follow and type the below commands on your cmd or powershell (or terminal) (you must type the commands of green letters).

Maze-Runner~$ python #or python3
2. Once you have entered into the python REPL, then import the file.

Python 3.9.x
>>> import maze 
>>> help(maze.Maze) 
3. Probably you will see the screen with the letters of the following code box. Then, you can find the supported functions here, a help window. Scrolling down or pressing 'Enter' button, you can look for the functions you want to use. Also, you can get out of this window, typing a 'q' button on your keyboard.

class Maze(enemy.Enemy)
|  Maze(window, given_map=None, auto_exit=True)->None
|  Method resolution order:
|      Maze
|      enemy.Enemy
|      builtins.object
|  Method defined here:
|  __init__(self, window, given_map=None, auto_exit=True) -> None
|      Initialize a maze.
|      To do this, this function parses the given_map (maze file)
|      and creates the window and background following it
4. To exit the python REPL, type 'exit()'
>>> exit() 

::Extra Note::

- If you have tried executing this program but it doesnot work, then contact me please.
- Kakao Talk or e-mail: